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- <text>
- <title>
- (Kennedy) A New Temperature
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--Kennedy Portrait
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- August 2, 1963
- A New Temperature
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p> The outcome had seemed certain for days, but the suspense
- kept mounting. The tenth, and supposedly final negotiating
- session between the U.S., Britain and the Soviet Union over a
- nuclear test ban treaty was due to begin at 3 p.m. in Moscow's
- Spiridonovka Palace, but actually started at 4:30. Outside the
- yellow fake-Gothic home of a czarist merchant prince, a crowd of
- 60 reporters and photographers stood watch. A bevy of iron
- gargoyles glared down at them from atop the gates. At 6:25 p.m.
- the appearance of a familiar face in the doorway was not
- reassuring. It was Semyon ("Scratchy") Tsarapkin, nicknamed
- because of his long, high-pitched harangues during the endless
- test ban talks in Geneva; when Scratchy summoned his automobile,
- there was speculation that he was on his way to consult with
- Nikita Khrushchev over some hitch.
- </p>
- <p> Finally, after a four-hour wait, the session was really
- over. Newsmen scrambled through the opened gates, up a short
- flight of stairs, and began a stampede into the conference room.
- A member of the U.S. delegation looked in horror at the horde of
- correspondents and hastily slammed the door, but there was no
- stopping them now.
- </p>
- <p> Around a green baize table sat U.S. Secretary for Political
- Affairs W. Averell Harriman, British Science Minister Lord
- Hailsham and Russia's Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. At each
- man's elbow was a copy of the agreement, bound in red leather,
- initialed a few minutes earlier--WAH, H and AG.
- </p>
- <p> Further Steps. The atmosphere was jovial. "Let us pretend we
- are discussing something," said AG for the benefit of
- photographers. Volunteered H: "I'll make my famous speech in
- Russian." He grinned but said nothing, since he speaks no
- Russian. Suddenly finding a microphone in front of his face, WAH
- declared: "The treaty is a very important step forward in many
- respects. It provides the possibility of further steps."
- </p>
- <p> Everyone seemed to be talking about steps. In his report to
- the people, President Kennedy used the same image. The big,
- unanswered and for the present unanswerable question is where the
- further steps may lead. It may or may not be a major turning
- point in the cold war. Given all the bitter memories of Communist
- deceit and broken pledges, all the past "peace offensives" that
- only served to aggravate the battle, no one can discount the
- possibility that the test ban agreement will only serve to give
- the Russians a breather in their struggle with the West, to be
- resumed later with even more ferocity. Still, this event seems
- different, and the evidence points to a more hopeful
- interpretation.
- </p>
- <p> The Document. The Moscow agreement itself is simple--some
- feel too simple. In 800 refreshingly brief words, the U.S.,
- Britain and the Soviet Union agree to "prohibit, to prevent and
- not to carry out any nuclear weapons test explosion or any other
- nuclear explosion" in the atmosphere, outer space or under water,
- the treaty to be of "indefinite duration." This wording raised
- the question of whether prohibition of "any other nuclear
- explosion" might be interpreted as a prohibition of the use of
- nuclear weapons even in wartime; clearing up any doubts, the
- President in his speech took pains to preclude that
- interpretation.
- </p>
- <p> Apart from this relatively minor ambiguity, the treaty is
- direct enough. Underground testing is specifically excluded
- because of Russian insistence that adequate on-site inspection
- would be a guise for espionage. A clause obviously aimed at
- France and Red China pledges the parties to "refrain from
- causing, encouraging or in any way participating in the carrying
- out of any nuclear weapons test whatever." An escape clause
- permits the signers to renounce the agreement unilaterally upon
- three months' advance notice any time "extraordinary events...have
- jeopardized the supreme interests of its country." The
- treaty invites any and all nations to become signatories. While
- amendments can be proposed by any new subscriber, the three
- original signers have a veto power over future changes.
- </p>
- <p> The treaty preamble, equally brief, states the goal beyond
- the limited agreement: "The speediest possible achievement of an
- agreement on general and complete disarmament under strict
- international control."
- </p>
- <p> Along with the agreement, the U.S., Britain and Russia
- issued a brief communique that continued a Kremlin concession of
- sorts. The Russians had sought a nonaggression pact between NATO
- and the Warsaw Pact powers that would, in effect, concede
- legality to the regime of East German Puppet Walter Ulbricht.
- Moscow had hinted that without simultaneous agreement on a
- nonaggression pact, it would not sign a test ban. But the Soviets
- settled for a promise by the U.S. and Britain to take up the
- issue with their NATO allies in an effort to find an acceptable
- formula. The communique also reported "a brief exchange of views"
- about "other measures directed at a relaxation of tension."
- </p>
- <p> How It Happened. There was no doubt that the Russians now
- wanted a test ban agreement. The U.S. had first suggested the
- limited ban at Geneva last year, and the Russians turned it down
- flat. In May, when Secretary of State Dean Rusk returned from a
- NATO meeting in Ottawa, he received an urgent call from Russian
- Ambassador, Anatoly Dobrynin, asking to see him. The two men
- spent the afternoon in a launch floating down the Potomac; it was
- then that Dobrynin hinted at Russian readiness for serious test
- ban talks. After five weeks of behind-the-scenes operations, the
- West was prepared to send its emissaries to Moscow. Even then
- there was no optimism about the results. "Nobody thought there
- was really a chance," cracks Harriman. "That's why I got the
- job."
- </p>
- <p> In Moscow, Envoy Harriman operated smoothly out of a tiny
- improvised office facing the courtyard on the ninth floor of the
- U.S. embassy. The only extra furnishings were a portrait of
- George Washington and two extra chairs, one of which was shoved
- into the open doorway by his secretary. Since the office is
- usually a waiting room, many a surprised visitor tried to vault
- the chair. During the mornings, Harriman, Hailsham and their
- advisers met at the British embassy; after about a three-hour
- daily meeting with the Soviets in Spiridonovka Palace, the
- Westerners talked over the day's negotiations in the U.S. embassy
- "tank," a small room safe (hopefully) from ubiquitous hidden
- Soviet listening devices. During one informal evening that he
- spent chatting with U.S. correspondents at the Sovietskaya Hotel,
- Harriman suddenly looked up at the ceiling and said, "Mr.
- Khrushchev, if you hear what I am saying..."
- </p>
- <p> No one knew whether Big Brother's electronic ears were
- listening.
- </p>
- <p> What It Means. When the agreement was finally initialed,
- much of the world reaction was highly emotional. Japan, the only
- country to have been an atomic target, was most enthusiastic of
- all. Sang Tokyo's biggest newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun: "Sayonara,
- Mushroom clouds." IT'S A TRIUMPH! headlined London's Daily
- Express. In the name of Pope Paul, the Vatican's L'Osservatore
- Romano called the Moscow accord "in harmony with the profound and
- universal wishes of mankind."
- </p>
- <p> In one sense, practical consequences of the test ban are
- relatively minor. It will not end the arms race or reduce nuclear
- stockpiles by a single kiloton. It obviously will not tip the
- balance of power--or both sides would not have accepted it. Its
- most concrete result is to reduce widespread fears--exaggerated
- but real--of radioactive fallout. The agreement may also help
- to check nuclear proliferation. Red China will scarcely give up
- its project to build an A-bomb, nor is Charles de Gaulle likely
- to abandon his cherished force de frappe. But beyond these, the
- U.S. estimates, ten countries have the capacity to develop their
- own atomic weapons within ten years, and five more within 15
- years. These others, the U.S. feels, may well be curbed by the
- moral and political force of the test agreement.
- </p>
- <p> But the biggest significance of the treaty is probably
- symbolic. History will note, after all, that year 21 of the
- Atomic Age (Dating Year 1 from Dec. 2, 1942, when the first
- controlled atomic chain reaction was achieved by Enrico Fermi and
- his associates in the celebrated squash court beneath the
- grandstand of the University of Chicago's Stagg Field. The first
- atomic bomb was exploded in 1945 from a steel tower at
- Alamagordo, N. Mex.) had brought a reaching-out, however guarded,
- across the chasm, the first concrete move, however small, by
- both East and West to control the thought-defying force that had
- been unbound.
- </p>
- <p> Between them, the three major nuclear powers had set off 425
- announced test blasts with 545 megatons of destruction--more
- than enough to destroy civilization. For 15 years of nerve-
- racking cold war and five years of futile, frustrating
- negotiations, fear and reason had not been enough to halt the
- weapons race. The test ban, though it may accomplish little else,
- at least suggests that fear and reason, those eminently
- constructive forces, can still operate with some success in human
- affairs. The agreement does not spring from concern for humanity,
- although it is surely tinged with that, or from a change of heart
- on either side. It simply shows that both East and West are
- sufficiently independent of dogma to act from self-interest, and
- that their interests can occasionally coincide.
- </p>
- <p> The Risks. Even though the U.S. itself has been pressing for
- a test ban all along, the agreement holds risks for the U.S. The
- most concrete ones are military-scientific, and by and large
- expert opinion holds those risks worth taking, provided that U.S.
- vigilance is not relaxed. The political and diplomatic dangers
- are less dramatic, less clear, but no less important.
- </p>
- <p> Most observers, Averell Harriman included, believe that
- Khrushchev signed the test ban treaty--and is seeking a detente
- with the West in other matters--primarily because of the split
- with Peking, which Harriman considers as important as the split
- between Constantinople and Rome. It forces the Kremlin to
- campaign for outside support among other Communist parties; in
- order not to wage a two-front cold war, Khrushchev is seeking
- some sort of understanding with the West. Other motives may be
- equally compelling. The Soviet budget is badly strained by
- military spending that is proportionately twice as high as in the
- U.S. If Khrushchev is ever going to make good on his promise to
- the Russian people to provide a few more amenities, finance a
- highly expensive space program and also scrounge for rubles to
- sink into a chaotic farm system, he must start saving money
- somewhere. A limited test ban seems like one possible economy.
- </p>
- <p> A more serious problem is to what extent even a limited era
- of good feeling between the cold war enemies will erode Western
- Europe's firmness against the Reds. Much of Western Europe's
- postwar order is based on anti-Communism as an article of faith:
- the conviction that the Communists are a treacherous, armed and
- somehow non-European enemy. That conviction began to falter with
- the changeover from Stalin, the "oriental despot," to Khrushchev,
- the table-thumping but jolly politician--and with the
- accompanying softening of Communist tyranny in Russia and the
- satellites. The test ban and what may follow will continue this
- process of persuading European voters that Communists--Moscow,
- if not Peking variety--can be lived with. Even Charles de
- Gaulle seems ready to think so. As he reportedly told the Czech
- Ambassador to Paris last week: "I will happily place my
- confidence in white Communists, but I distrust yellow
- Communists."
- </p>
- <p> New Strains? De Gaulle waited till this week to spell out
- his attitude toward the test ban at a press conference, but his
- Foreign Minister, Couve de Murville, had already declared that
- France would not consider itself bound by a treaty to which it
- was not a signatory, and that a test ban did not make much sense
- anyway, short of general and complete disarmament.
- </p>
- <p> Obviously De Gaulle must go on testing if he is to develop
- his force de frappe. Some believe that the Moscow agreement puts
- the U.S. and Russia in league against De Gaulle and his
- ambitions, thereby further straining the NATO alliance. But
- Washington argues that De Gaulle cannot grow much more anti-NATO
- than he is already, and hopes, further, that le grand Charles,
- after swallowing his initial annoyance, may soften his stand for
- fear of being isolated.
- </p>
- <p> On the left, the new "reasonable" image of Moscow fits into
- an already developing situation. In a memorable phrase, French
- Socialist Leader Guy Mollet once said: "Communism is not left,
- but east." Nowadays, Mollet, Jules Moch and other previously
- staunch anti-Communists are openly urging a political alliance
- with the Reds in hopes of toppling Charles de Gaulle.
- </p>
- <p> This trend is even stronger in Italy. In Rome, President
- Antonio Segni told a visitor that though the Moscow meetings "may
- settle some international problems, it could leave things wide
- open here in Italy." The Italian Communist Party, largest in the
- West (membership: 1,750,000), has prospered at the polls by
- pretending to be the government's loyal opposition in Parliament.
- By successfully peddling the Italian version of Khrushchev's
- "moderation," Italian Communists have challenged the badly
- demoralized ruling Christian Democrats.
- </p>
- <p> Old Fears. Khrushchev told visiting Reds in Moscow: "If
- anybody thinks we shall forget about Marx, Engels and Lenin, he
- is mistaken. This will happen when a shrimp learns to whistle."
- In Britain, some pretty big fish believe that shrimps make
- beautiful music. The Labor Party, which may well rule the country
- within a year, is still badly split between unilateral disarmers
- and a conservative wing that has not yet recovered from the death
- of Hugh Gaitskell. Somewhere between the feuding factions is
- Harold Wilson, prospective Prime Minister, an advocate of nuclear
- free zones in mid-Europe and other accommodations with Russia.
- Not that such sentiments are confined to Labor. A group of 20
- leading British industrialists recently asked for a review of the
- licensing system that restricts shipment of strategic goods to
- the Soviet Union and its satellites. The test ban treaty elated
- the scandal-ridden Tories. Eager to capitalize politically on the
- agreement, they did nothing to restrain public euphoria. Harold
- Macmillan himself last week described the present as "a period
- when Russia is moving away from Communism."
- </p>
- <p> The country least susceptible to such shrimp music is West
- Germany. By itself, the test ban treaty was welcomed in Bonn. The
- nation is barred by postwar treaty from producing ABC (atomic,
- bacteriological and chemical) weapons, and no prominent West
- German is urging a change. Still, Bonn officials are nervous
- about the Moscow talks. Reason: the West's promise to discuss a
- nonaggression agreement between NATO and the Warsaw Pact.
- </p>
- <p> Such an agreement, West Germany fears, might in effect
- recognize Communist East Germany, thus formalizing the country's
- division. Critics of Bonn argue that reunification of Germany in
- the foreseeable future is a myth anyway, but Bonn finds a
- significant difference between knowingly living with a myth and
- publicly admitting that it is one. West Germany has already
- renounced the use of force to unite the country; and it is
- willing to increase trade and other contacts with East Germany.
- West Berlin's Socialist Mayor Willy Brandt even speaks about
- "fixing the military status quo" and moving "beyond previous
- conceptions that are no longer fruitful." But the official Bonn
- line--which may change after Adenauer steps down--is that a
- formal nonaggression declaration might jeopardize West Germany's
- long-range legal case for reunification and thus in effect put an
- official seal on the European status quo. That, in Bonn's
- judgment, is what Khrushchev is really after. But if he wants it
- so badly, argue both Bonn and Paris, he should be made to pay a
- price for it.
- </p>
- <p> Twin Ogres. If the cold war lull may mean a relaxation in
- free Europe's anti-Communist posture, Washington is sure that it
- will also mean a relaxation in Eastern Europe's anti-Western
- posture. If Communism is less of an ogre to the West, capitalism
- will be less of an ogre to the East. Khrushchev is determined
- that "peaceful coexistence" must not apply to the realm of
- ideology, but Washington is sure that the centrifugal force
- already at work in Moscow's satellite empire will continue if the
- constant, artificially whipped-up threats of "imperialist
- militarism" abate.
- </p>
- <p> Averell Harriman, for one, has detected signs of mellowing.
- "There is no reason to believe that Khrushchev's aim has changed
- or that the outward thrust of Communism is less violent. But
- there are certain situations in which our objectives and the
- Kremlin's coincide--one of them is not wanting nuclear war.
- Besides, any ideology becomes less vigorous as time goes on. I'm
- not a great Kremlinologist; I don't go off in a padded cell and
- read the literature. I can't tell you what Lenin or Stalin or
- Khrushchev said on a given date. But I think I have a certain
- feeling for the place and for what goes on."
- </p>
- <p> First Taste. Harriman's "certain feeling," which
- impressively often has led him to the right answers, goes back an
- impressively long way. He first saw Russia at the age of eight.
- In 1899 he accompanied his father, Edward Henry Harriman, Wall
- Street's "Little Giant" (Union Pacific, Illinois Central), on a
- scientific voyage to Alaska; on the way, the ship stopped off in
- Siberia, where the group was happily greeted by Eskimos.
- </p>
- <p> Harriman's next trip to Russia, in 1926, gave him his first
- taste of negotiating with the Soviets. One of his firms held the
- rights to mine manganese in the Caucasus, granted in the days of
- Lenin's New Economic Policy, which encouraged capitalist
- investment. But after a four-hour talk with Leon Trotsky,
- Harriman was convinced that Stalin would soon force out foreign
- concessionaires; astutely, "Ave" sold back the investment to the
- Soviets. Moreover, he proudly recalls, he sold out at a
- profit--"not much, but a profit."
- </p>
- <p> Politically, the visit was also revealing. Harriman had
- decided to find out what the new Soviet regime was like, and
- whether it was going to last. "The more diplomats I saw," he
- said, "the less I learned." But in the end he became convinced
- that Bolshevism was there to stay.
- </p>
- <p> Grim Jest. By the time he returned to Moscow in 1941,
- Harriman had become an impressive diplomat himself. (Harriman's
- remarkable series of Government posts centered around these major
- jobs: 1934-5, a division administrator, then a special assistant
- to the administrator, and then chief administrative officer of
- NRA; 1940-41, executive in the Office of Production Management;
- 1941-42, Lend-Lease expediter in London with rank of minister;
- 1943-46, Ambassador to Russia; 1946, Ambassador to the Court of
- St. James's; 1946-48, Secretary of Commerce; 1948-50, roving ECA
- ambassador in Europe; 1950-51, Special Assistant to the
- President; 1951-53, Director of Mutual Security; 1955-58,
- Governor of New York; 1961, Ambassador-at-Large; 1961-63,
- Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, led the
- U.S. delegation to the Laos truce talks in Geneva; 1963-, Under
- Secretary of State for Political Affairs.) He was the U.S. member
- of an Anglo-American Lend-Lease mission (British member: Lord
- Beaverbrook) and troubleshooter for F.D.R. Meeting Stalin for the
- first time, Harriman promised that hundreds of U.S. tanks and
- planes would soon be on their way to help Russia stem the Nazi
- invasion. They were the first installment of $11 billion in
- wartime U.S. aid to the Soviet Union. He saw Stalin again the
- following year, when he returned with Winston Churchill to
- discuss the second Front. Approaching Moscow in a blackout, their
- plane was shot at. In retrospect, he is not impressed by Russian
- marksmanship. "Fortunately, they were aiming at us and not at
- something else--so they missed us."
- </p>
- <p> In October 1943, he was named Ambassador to Moscow.
- Polished, handsome Harriman was soon Stalin's favorite foreigner,
- usually took the seat at Stalin's left at diplomatic dinners.
- Once, during a Kremlin affair honoring visiting Charles de
- Gaulle, the French leader stubbornly refused to be persuaded by
- Stalin to recognize the Communist-controlled provisional
- government of Poland. Old Joe shouted in a grim jest: "Bring out
- the machine guns! Liquidate the diplomats!" There were forced
- smiles all around the table.
- </p>
- <p> "Even before Germany surrendered," says Harriman, "it became
- clear to me that the outwardly friendly relations of our wartime
- alliance were not going to survive the peace." Still, in February
- 1945, at the time of the Yalta Conference, he and other U.S.
- leaders believed Stalin's promise that he would hold free
- elections in Eastern Europe. Two months later Harriman realized
- the truth, cabled the State Department: "We must realize that the
- Soviet program is the establishment of totalitarianism, ending
- liberty and democracy as we know and respect it."
- </p>
- <p> Such sentiments were highly unpopular around Washington at
- the time, and soon a thoroughly disgusted Ambassador to Moscow
- was badgering Harry Truman to accept his resignation. In 1946
- Harriman was shifted from the Kremlin to London's Court of St.
- James's.
- </p>
- <p> "See for Yourself." Not until 13 years later did he return
- to the Soviet Union, as a private citizen. Harriman quickly made
- up for lost time. He took a grueling six-week, 18,000-mile tour
- from the Baltic to Siberia; in tribute to his wartime service in
- Moscow, Harriman was treated as though he were still ambassador.
- Russia's new ruler was the son of a miner, but the son of a
- railway magnate got along with him famously and frankly. Talking
- politics, Khrushchev asked: "Do you suppose we consider it a free
- election when the voters of New York State have a choice only
- between a Rockefeller and a Harriman?" Shot back Harriman: "Come
- see for yourself. Ask the voters."
- </p>
- <p> What Harriman really wanted to find out during that trip was
- the extent to which Khrushchev's Russia was really different from
- Stalin's Russia. More than ever, that remains the question today.
- With Harriman, the U.S. had witnessed the great Communist switch
- of the Popular Front period, when Russia was severely threatened
- by the Nazis, ordered Communist parties everywhere to make common
- cause with the hitherto despised Social Democrats, and even with
- the bourgeois. Maxim Litvinov, voluble ambassador to the U.S. and
- the League of Nations, spoke as eloquently as Khrushchev does
- today about "the peaceful coexistence of two systems--the
- socialist and the capitalist." After the cynical nonaggression
- treaty with Hitler killed off the Popular Front but could not
- prevent the German attack on Russia, Moscow once again became
- democracy's ally against a common enemy--only to revert to the
- old ruthless anti-Western line as soon as the German danger to
- Russia was over.
- </p>
- <p> These are familiar facts of 20th century life, and the
- suspicion is inevitable that they have a bearing on the present.
- Is Moscow simply making a deal with the West to free its hands in
- dealing with China? Will the old line reappear if the Chinese
- danger is ever brought under control? Optimists can point out
- that the Peking challenge to Moscow is not likely to end soon,
- because it rests deeply in the economic and even racial
- differences between the two countries. At the very heart of the
- conflict is the fact that Russia today has more of a stake in the
- good life than in world revolution.
- </p>
- <p> Comparing Khrushchev and Stalin, Harriman recalls that while
- Stalin often told him that Communism would triumph because of
- capitalism's failures, "15 years later in the same office, with
- the same pictures on the wall, Khrushchev says the Reds will win
- because of their own successes. The faith is not fluid, but the
- expression of it is." Moscow's present "peaceful" line cannot be
- considered irreversible. What is irreversible, Harriman thinks,
- is "the freedom from Stalin's kind of terror and the Russians'
- effort to build a better life for themselves."
- </p>
- <p> A Look at the Books. On these assumptions, where does the
- West move next? Immediately on the agenda are a score of items
- that Khrushchev wants to negotiate about. They include a ban on
- underground testing, though both sides still disagree on the
- number of international monitors and the freedom they would
- require to make inspections of suspicious blasts, and
- Khrushchev's nonaggression formula between NATO and the Warsaw
- Pact. Beyond these issues, there are a batch of other Soviet
- proposals:
- </p>
- <p>-- Stationing of inspectors at rail junctions, airports and
- other traffic centers on both sides of the Iron Curtain to
- prevent the danger of surprise attack. The U.S. is interested in
- the idea as a possible basis for reducing Russia's often
- psychopathic fear of West Germany. As a harmless tranquilizer,
- Washington feels such an agreement could prepare the climate for
- other negotiations.
- </p>
- <p>-- A troop thin-out in Central Europe. The U.S. points out
- that Soviet soldiers would withdraw only a few hundred miles to
- their own territory while U.S. infantry would, in effect, have to
- be pulled back clear across the Atlantic. If the U.S. were to
- consider this idea at all, it would insist on compensation for
- the Soviet tactical advantage: the U.S. would want three or four
- Russian soldiers withdrawn for every G.I.
- </p>
- <p>-- Freezing of military budgets. The Soviets brought up the
- subject many times during the Geneva test ban talks, usually as a
- condition of the agreement. It has never really been spelled out.
- The problems involve vastly complex and secretive Soviet
- accounting methods; before agreeing to anything, the U.S. would
- demand a look at the books--all of them.
- </p>
- <p>-- Atom-free zones in Central and Eastern Europe, the
- Mediterranean and possibly Africa. These are all variations of
- the old Rapacki Plan (named after Adam Rapacki, Polish Foreign
- Minister), which the West rejected in 1957, since it contained
- inadequate safeguards to prevent cheating.
- </p>
- <p>-- A cutback in U.S. bases overseas. An even older Moscow
- propaganda cliche. The U.S. has shut down missile bases in Italy
- and Turkey when the arrival of Polaris submarines made the
- launching sites obsolete; other bases will close only if they
- become superfluous.
- </p>
- <p>-- General and complete disarmament. Still a Utopian vision,
- but there may now be a better chance for some degree of
- disarmament than at any time since World War II.
- </p>
- <p> Competition for Survival. The Moscow agreement and the
- prospects it raises are not merely events in the cold war; they
- are also events in the long, distinguished career of Averell
- Harriman, at 71 an old man on the New Frontier. He is a figure of
- another generation, yet very much on top of present events; hard
- of hearing, yet noticeably keen in his political perception; a
- rambling speaker (his diction, says his secretary, is
- "impressionistic"), yet hard and precise of thought. In the
- period of change that is bound to follow the test ban treaty,
- Harriman's thinking is more pertinent than ever.
- </p>
- <p> Says he: "We cannot find comfort in any idea that the
- Communist regime is going to be overthrown or converted to our
- beliefs. For the foreseeable future, the leaders in the Kremlin
- are going to be guided by their firm faith in the triumphal
- spread of their doctrine across the globe. On the other hand, I
- do not think that the present Soviet leaders will bring on war
- except by miscalculation or mistake. But we must dismiss as a
- pleasant daydream any thought of peaceful coexistence and apply
- ourselves to the challenge of all-out competitive
- coexistence--competition for survival."
- </p>
- </body>
- </article>
- </text>